
目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章

[CUDA] CUDA 學習筆記

安裝 http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#post-installation-actions     一定要記得最後一步的 export PATH=/usr/local/ cuda - 8.0 /bin$ { PATH : + : $ { PATH}} 每次開機都要執行 或者是直接修改 The PATH variable needs to include your cuda /bin directory (by default it is  /usr/local/ cuda -6.5/bin ) On Ubuntu you can edit the .   bashrc  file on your  $HOME  directory, adding the following; export PATH = /usr/ local / cuda - 6.5 / bin : $PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/ local / cuda - 6.5 / lib64 : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH If you are running a 32-bit Ubuntu version, then the paths are: export PATH = /usr/ local / cuda - 6.5 / bin : $PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/ local / cuda - 6.5 / lib : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH After editing the bashrc file, source it (or simply restart the terminal): source ~/ . bashrc Of course, if you have changed the default location of your CUDA directory you must change the PATHS accordingly. PLUS:...